All posts by admin

The Machines Behind House Building

The Machines Behind House Building

When a new home-buyer first walks into that new-build, they might be impressed by the hardwood flooring or marble countertop. What they should be impressed with, is the array of building equipment used in house building. Long before the carpets were laid, and the roof was tiled, construction machinery first needed to prepare the property for earth-moving duties including, trenching for water, sewer and gas lines, foundation or basement excavation, driveway installation and grading, and finally landscape Continue reading The Machines Behind House Building

Safety Tips and Shopping Online

Safety Tips When Shopping Online

Today we tend not to think twice about browsing when shopping for goods, and “window shopping” online. The proportion of online to High street purchasing for certain sectors is approaching 50% of the market.

What could be easy to forget, are a few basic security precautions, that take little more than just a glance, or simply to follow some common sense.

Online shopping is going to mean giving some of your financial details to a seller through your computer. This should be safe, but exercising a little Continue reading Safety Tips and Shopping Online

Speed Cameras

Speed Cameras in the UK

As technology marches on, the now familiar roadside speed camera, Truvelo and Gatso, to name a couple, although effective within their roles, are becoming to look like “little brothers” in the authorities efforts to maintain speed and safety levels on our increasingly busy road network.

One of the modern additions to speed monitoring is the SPECS system. As the cost of the installation of this Continue reading Speed Cameras

eCommerce & Selling Online

How To Sell Online

eCommerce and online business is a huge growth industry worldwide. As more and more people go online (especially since the growth of mobile phone and tablet use) annual online sales are up year on year.

As a retailer it’s never been more important to not only be online, but to be found by potential customers.

While business owners are told that they can’t afford not to be online, many Continue reading eCommerce & Selling Online

Learn To Swim – It Just Might Save Your Life

Learn to Swim

There are around one third of all children reaching Primary school leaving age who cannot swim.

Given that the UK is an island completely surrounded by water, this is perhaps not an enviable statistic.

Later in life, it is easy to see why swimming is such an important exercise, sport or pastime, given the gentle work out it can achieve.

Swimming is a tremendously healthy pastime, utilising almost all of the body’s muscles in a way which can be very energetic, or as laid back and easy as the swimmer desires, the most important thing is to Continue reading Learn To Swim – It Just Might Save Your Life